Monday, December 4, 2017

Location Recee

Drama studio

 We will be using the drama studio to film the integration scenes. The reason we choosing to use the drama studio for the integration scene is because we can create a black box studio setting and create different techniques in the scene. This will allow us to experiment with lighting and use the lights to create meaning. For example if we use broadside light on one of our actors which could connote that they could be hiding something. Another example is when there is a integration scene and most of the lighting shifts to one actor. This could convey that that actor is one that is in control. We had the choice of doing it in another locations such as a classroom. The reason why we did not film in the classroom is because we were not able to black out the back ground and that will then make it hard for us to create different lighting techniques. The other location we considered is a teachers office which would have been fine however we will not be able to create a completely black back ground.

St Chad park

 We have chose this park for the location for our stalking scene. The scene will include one of the actors walking through a park and another actor following them. The reason why we choice to do the scene a park is because we have open space and much room to film. However we may run into issues with people obstructing us while we are filming. We also consider filming in our school. Film in school will could cause issues with people accidentally being in the film or the school bell ringing on accident. It also wouldn't look very professional if we have the school in the back ground when we can find other locations to shoot. 

Music Room

 We have chosen the music room as the location for the love scene. The reason we have chosen it is because the room is small and has no windows so we are able to create lighting techniques. Another reason is because the room allows us to create a lowkey lighting affect on the film. The fact the room has no windows means we can avoid outside light getting affecting our film. Another reason why we chose the music room is because the room has no lighting so then we were able to manipulate the lighting and create a lowkey atmosphere which was the main focus of our film noir. It will also conveys the mood that is represented in our film noir.  Using the music also meant there was no outside light which allowed us to create a different lighting techniques. 

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