Saturday, December 2, 2017

Genre and Theme - Film Noir

Here is an example of lighting in an interrogation scene from Lord Of War. In the beginning of the scene the lighting is positioned at the back of the performers. This is called back light and creates the effect of keeping the characters identity unrevealed.  In this scene we see two performers standing in a hallway, one who is on the phone and one who is a far distance behind from this character. At 0:16 seconds they have used short side lighting on the performers face and this only reveals half of his face. The side of the face that is closest to the camera is darker than the opposite side. This means that the lighting is on the right side away from where the camera is.

Broad side lighting is shown at 1:08 seconds where the characters side of the face is toward the camera ( is broader) is in the light. This produces a larger area of light on the face, making the shadowed area of the face appear smaller.
Another clip of the scene where back light is shown is at 3:19 seconds where a performer is stood a far distance away from the camera and is closer to where the light is placed.

An example of a Film Noir:

This clip from The Big Combo portrays clear conventions of a Film Noir involving a femme fatale and a detective who reveal the themes of corruption, murder and betrayal. All Film Noirs are shown in black and white visual style. This scene reveals shadows created to portray suspense and reveal different variations of lighting. Also, they have considered their costumes which is a black suit and hat and have included a prop with his initial character, portraying a gun. These are all elements of mise en scene.

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